American Idol is back on its thirteenth season. American Idol XIII premiered on Fox on January 15, 2014. The show hosted by Ryan Seacrest. This season's judges are Keith Urban (also in season 12), Jennifer Lopez (also in seasons 10 and 11) and Harry Connick, Jr.
Meet the Top 31 Idols
Top 15 Girls (in order)
1. Emily Piriz, Orlando, Florida
Top 15 boys (in order)
1. Spencer Lloyd, 19, Bryant, Arkansas
Top 20 Idols
Top 10 Girls (in order)
1. Majesty Rose
2. Kristen O'Connor
3. Briana Oakley
4. Jena Irene Asciutto
5. Bria Anai
6. Marrialle Sellars
7. Jessica Meuse
8. Emily Piriz
9. MK Nobilette
10. Malaya Watson
Top 10 Boys (in order)
1. Caleb Johnson
2. CJ Harris
3. Emmanuel Zidor
4. Sam Woolf
5. George Lovett
6. Dexter Roberts
7. Alex Preston
8. Malcolm Allen
9. Ben Briley
10. Spencer Lloyd
Meet the Top 13 Idols
1. Malaya Watson
2. Ben Briley
3. Emily Piriz
4. Alex Preston
5. Jessica Meuse
6. Dexter Roberts
7. Majesty Rose
8. Caleb Johnson
9. MK Nobilette
10. Sam Woolf
The Judges called 5 contenders to perform for wild card from the remaining 10 of the top 20. They were CJ Harris, Jena Irene Asciutto, Spencer Lloyd, Bria Anai and Kristen O'Connor.
Judges' decision (wild card, in order)
11. Jena Irene Asciutto
12. Kristen O'Connor
13. CJ Harris
Runner-up is Jena Irene!
Note: All photos courtesy of American Idol facebook account!
American Idol Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12!
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