NBI Clearance Center, U.N. Avenue Ermita, Manila

In my recent visit to NBI Clearance Center in UN Ave, these are the step by step procedures you should follow:
Step 1: Fill up the form - Ask the form at the entrance gate. Fill them up. Please prepare black pen. Fill up the form in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
Step 2: Data Entry (at the lobby of the building) - Let them check your data before proceeding to the next step. Please be reminded that they will sign your application form and this is your passport to the next step.
Step 3: Cashier (level 1) - Please prepare exact amount (they will ask you to even though they can provide the change). Clearance fee-P100, Documentary stamp-P15 for a total of P115.00
Step 4: Encoding (level 2 for walk-in applicants and level 3 for online applicants)
- Get your online application HERE!
Step 5: Biometrics (level 2 for walk-in applicants and level 3 for online applicants)
- Oftentimes Encoding and Biometrics are merge into one step.
Step 6: Printing (level 2 for walk-in applicants and level 3 for online applicants) - If you are not HIT, then you can proceed directly to printing and get your clearance right away but if you are HIT, then you need to go back at the given schedule at the back of your receipt. Usually a week after.
Note: These procedures may be change after the date above.